Mathematical Modeling
CCyA Ingeniería counts on a team of experts and specialists in mathematical modeling and numerical simulation who, for the most part, have studied and worked in Argentina and abroad.
We have developed our own software for the analysis of the transport of pollutants and particles in water and air, the dispersion of odors, the propagation of sound waves and the distribution of electromagnetic fields.
In addition, we have experience in the application of standard and regulatory models of activity.
We have high performance tools for the study of the hydrodynamic impact of projects, the propagation of waves and the transport of sediments.
For detailed studies, we apply Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools.
Air Quality
- Dispersion of atmospheric pollutants (3D)
- Gaseous effluents: chimneys and ventilations
- Regulatory Models: OPDS, ENRE and US EPA
- Broadcasting and broadcasting by mobile sources
- Emission and dispersion of volatile organic compounds from tanks
- Continuous, discontinuous and accidental emissions
- SofIA model of own development: dispersion from point and diffuse sources, industrial complexes and transit networks
Water Quality
- Transport of contaminants in rivers and estuaries (3D)
- Transport of contaminants in coastal and offshore flows (3D)
- Downloads of conventional industrial
- Nuclear power plant downloads
- Turbidity / Dust Impact Feathers (3D)
- Water quality in lakes and reservoirs, ecological models
- Subfluvial and submarine emissaries
- Water quality in river systems
- Eutrophication of lakes
- Dispersion of odors
- Impact models on populated areas
- Detail Models - CFD
- SofIA model of own development: dispersion from vents, diffuse sources and evaporative sources.
- Three-dimensional hydrodynamics (3D) for rivers, estuaries and seacoast
- Coastal fillings and artificial islands: hydrodynamic impact
- Sediment transport in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas
- Evolution of river beds
- Sedimentation in reservoirs and reservoirs. Morphological evolution
- Lake stratification
- Hydrothermal phenomena in ports
- Cooling water intake and discharge: feedback study
- Saline intrusion in estuaries
- Diffraction, refraction and reflection of waves in coastal areas and ports
- Wave refraction in coastal and offshore areas
- Hydrodynamics of rivers and channel networks (1D)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Flow in complex geometries
- Dispersion of pollutants and particles
- Ventilation
- Dispersion of noise from industrial and urban sources
- Noise field and evaluation of annoying noises
- ANDREA model of own development: noise fields by turbines, motors, wind turbines, transit and other sources.
Non-ionizing radiation
- Modeling of low frequency electromagnetic fields
- Medium, high and extra high voltage electric transmission lines.
- ELI model of own development: electric and magnetic fields ELF.
Ionizing radiation
- Gaseous emissions
- Liquid Downloads
- Thermal feeds from nuclear power plants
- Projection of material due to incidents and accidents
Underground Flow
- Transport of contaminants in the underground environment
- Water table